Chulpan Khamatova, one of today's most talented and renowned Russian actresses, and Andrey Merkuriev, the leading soloist of the legendary Bolshoi Theater, combine forces onstage in a modern rendition of “Poor Liza,” the Russian classic Nikolay Karamzin’s story of love, seduction, betrayal and social conflict. Showing the immortality and transcendence of these themes through the combination of theatre and dance, this celebrated duo pushes the limits of both in a sophisticated production by the renowned choreographer and stage director Alla Sigalova and composer Leonid Desyatnikov. The play has been nominated for the Russian National Theatre Award “The Golden Mask” and is regarded by public and critics as the most provocative, brave and sophisticated work of theatre arts in recent years.
Liza: Chulpan Khamatova Erast: Andrey Merkuriev
June 15-16 @ Tribeca Performing Arts Center (New York) Buy tickets on